This very large screenings plant features a SPIRAC spiral conveyor train which feeds a truck loading bay.
Load distribution conveyors with multiple slidegates are fed by 3 x 80ft (24m) long conveyors from the headworks plant. Lid seals, contiguous join gaskets and odour system connections ensure a totally odour and mess free installation. XP system controls also by SPIRAC
This plant expansion and modernization program included the installation of a SPIRAC conveying and truck outloading system for dewatered screenings.
The challenge:
The screenings/headworks modernization program included the following design objectives:
- Near zero odor emission from facilities or equipment
- Near zero odor emissions in indoor operator areas
- Optimum OH&S conditions
- Total containment, no exposed screenings except in trailer beds
- Fully automated trailer fill
- Low maintenance, low life-cycle-cost plant
The conveyors:
Featuring a direct drive, low RPM shaftless screw with long life, low friction SPX Duraflo ® liners, these conveyors will need little attention for many years.
Trailer Outloading
Automated conveyor/discharge port selection provides optimum trailer fill.