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The goal of this project was to improve screening to help protect the pumps downstream, the project also responded to concerns raised by local residents regarding odours and noise from the existing screens, which are located outside the main pumping station building. To help address these concerns the equipment is placed in a new soundproof and odour controlled building.
SPIRAC installed two MULTIGUARDTM Chain Raked Screens and two SPIROWASH® (SW280) units to wash and dewater screenings at this pump station. The hydraulic capacity per screen is 2400 l/s. The screens are made of painted mild Steel S275 and the grid panel material is stainless steel 304. The two SPIROWASH screenings washers, SW280, have a capacity of 6.8 m3/hr.
The screening process offers the removal of large and small non-biodegradable solids that enter the pump station as well as the efficient washing and compacting, whilst consuming low volumes of wash water.